Help increase federal government support for adult education and family literacy
Would you like to see the federal government increase its funding support for adult education and family literacy? If so, now is the time to speak up.
The Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (Labor-H) of the Senate Appropriations Committee is currently working on funding allocations for this fiscal year. The Senators on the subcommittee need to know that the funding provided through the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) is essential to the success of the adult education system, and that an increase in that funding is supported by the Senators’ constituents. Initial decisions on funding allocations will be made over the next two weeks, so your Senators need to hear from you right away. This is particularly important if you live in one of these states:
• Mississippi: Senator Cochran is the Chair of the Appropriations Committee
• Vermont: Senator Leahy is the Ranking Member on the Appropriations Committee
• Missouri: Senator Blunt is the Chair of the Labor-H Subcommittee
• Washington: Senator Murray is the Ranking Member on the Labor-H Subcommittee
• Any state whose Senator serves on the Labor-H subcommittee (see the list of members at
Eventually, though, the full Senate will vote on appropriations, so everyone in every state has an important role to play in promoting the importance of adult education and family literacy. You can find contact information for your Senators here:
Or you can use the online contact system provided by COABE at
In addition, Senators will be in their home states during the week of February 19, so you can contact them in their local offices.
Below my signature line are some talking points that you can use to help make the case for increased AEFLA funding. This language comes from a letter that I submitted to Senators Cochran, Leahy, Blunt, and Murray yesterday on behalf of the NCL; much of the content is drawn from resources provided by World Education, ProLiteracy, and individual NCL members. Feel free to use it as is or adapt it to fit your specific circumstances, and to forward this message to your colleagues and others.
Thank you in advance for your active advocacy for adult learners! I hope you’ll report back when you have contacted your Senators, and that you’ll share additional talking points.
Deborah Kennedy
Senior Consultant / Owner, Key Words
President, National Coalition for Literacy