Exemplary Programs
Descriptions of exemplary programs provide both how-to guidance that adult education practitioners can apply to their own programs and what works information for policy makers and adult education advocates. They present models that can be replicated and tailored according to context and adult learner population.
Does your program have a record of success that you’d like to see listed here?
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Literacy for All: Literacy @ Your Library
A list of successful and replicable library adult literacy programs whose “programs, services, and collective wisdom offer service models worthy of consideration and adaptation.” Provided by the American Library Association.

Case Studies of Innovative Remote ESOL
A series of case studies of programs across the country that have successfully integrated distance learning into their instructional programs. Provided by the EdTech Center at World Education.

Creating Equitable Access to Remote Adult ESOL
A description of innovative efforts uncovered as project staff interviewed leaders from 34 adult ESOL programs across the US. The ideas and resources described are notable because of the use of digital technologies to provide onboarding, instruction and support to diverse groups of ESOL learners that programs sometimes struggle to serve. Provided by the EdTech Center at World Education.