Programs That Work
Adult education and family literacy programs are essential components of robust, resilient communities that can respond to challenges with flexibility and creativity. These programs provide the foundational skills that adults and youth need in order to pursue further education and career opportunities; ensure physical, social-emotional, and financial well-being for themselves and their families; and participate fully in community life.
Adult education and family literacy programs in the United States take different forms in response to learners’ goals and needs, local demographics and socioeconomic conditions, state and federal requirements, and public and private funding levels.
Here are three curated lists of resources on program design and program effectiveness.
- Descriptions of exemplary programs provide both how-to guidance that adult education practitioners can apply to their own programs and what works information for policy makers and adult education advocates. They present models that can be replicated and tailored according to context and adult learner population.
- Program blueprints provide guidance on the key considerations for building and maintaining strong adult education programs and developing community-wide strategies for strengthening educational opportunity for adults. They also inform advocates and funders about the nature and extent of the support that such programs and initiatives require.
- Program locator resources use mapping technology to allow users to find programs in specific geographical areas. The resources listed here provide links to adult education and family literacy programs for adult learners and volunteer tutors.