Program Models and Blueprints
Program models and blueprints provide guidance on key considerations for
- Building and maintaining strong adult education programs
- Developing community-wide strategies for strengthening educational opportunity for adults
They also inform advocates and funders about the nature and extent of the support that such programs and initiatives require.
Does your organization have a model or blueprint that you’d like to see listed here?
Contact us to let us know about it!

Houston’s Adult Literacy Blueprint
Developed by the Houston Mayor’s Office for Adult Literacy, the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation, and the Houston Public Library, this blueprint outlines “a strategic plan to address the systemic crisis of low adult literacy rates through coordinated, city-wide action.” It describes the impact of low literacy rates and details seven key goals with strategies, action plans, and metrics for assessing and communicating progress.

This report from the Literacy Assistance Center outlines 14 building blocks for quality adult literacy programs. It describes key elements for investment, including staff and personnel costs; student supports; materials and tools; program space and technology; and organizational management systems and support. The final section includes a sample program budget that includes a section on understanding the cost per program slot.

Effective Practice and Policy in Remote ESOL
Building on information gathered through its Remote ESOL Project, the EdTech Center at World Education has developed a series of four resources to inform policy and practice for remote program design and implementation: Creating Equitable Access to Remote Adult ESOL, Promising Practices for Adult Remote ESOL, Key Decisions for Remote ESOL Program Design and Implementation, and The Transformation of Adult ESOL Learning – A Practice and Policy Brief.

English Now! (EN!) Learning Circles Project
This World Education project has hosted learning circles with over 20 project partners across 10 states since 2016. In English Now! blended learning circles, English language learners come together in a small group setting led by a facilitator. The intention is to build a supportive community that facilitates online and peer-to-peer learning. Programs have found that learning circles appeal not only to those on waiting lists but also to those who cannot attend regularly scheduled English classes because of other obligations.

Sustain and Gain: Blueprint for a Long-Term, Thriving Family Literacy/Parent Engagement Program
A critical component of educational excellence is parental engagement, but how do communities and schools effectively implement parent engagement and family literacy, especially during challenging budget times? This resource from the National Center for Families Learning outlines tangible methods of sustaining engagement through all seasons.